Your donations matter
Your contribution to IYG has more power than you know! Thanks to our resources, community foundations, and partners, we are able to secure additional funding such as grants and dollar-for-dollar matches. We are dedicated to providing life-changing and life-saving resources to all our youth and young adults, which allows us to amplify what is possible for our partner organizations and our community. Together, we can build safer spaces and foster community for Central Indiana’s LGBTQ+ young people.

Donate Today.
IYG is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. We graciously accept donations; in fact, we rely on contributions from generous individuals, corporations, and foundations to support the work we do here at our center. If you’d like to join in this collective effort to create safer spaces and provide resources for LGBTQ+ young people, please donate today. None of what we do at IYG would be possible without your help! Together, we can build a safer and more understanding community for our LGBTQ+ young people and young adults.
If you have any questions, please visit [email protected].
Other Ways to Give.
IYG regularly hosts special events for the community including the Annual IYG Auction and Golf OUTing. The events offer a great opportunity for our friends and neighbors to engage and support the work we do. Join us as we tell our stories and look forward to our new hopes and goals for IYG, our LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, and the Indianapolis community at large.
Do good with a social media platform you use daily! Create a fundraiser, set a goal, and challenge your friends, family, and other social network connections to help you achieve it! With the support of our combined social networks, we can do more to help central Indiana’s LGBTQ+ young people. So ask yours to join the fun of a social media campaign! To start a campaign of your own on Facebook, simply create a new post, select “support nonprofit” from the options, and enter Indiana Youth Group as your chosen beneficiary.
Does your employer offer a matching gift program? If so, be sure to let your employer know when you make a gift to IYG so that it can be matched. Matching gift programs let your support go even further and make an even bigger impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ young people!
There is a variety of philanthropic tools you and your financial advisor can use to make a charitable gift to IYG. If you and your legal or financial advisors have any questions about the many benefits of making planned gifts to support IYG’s mission, please let us know! We are able to provide information, sample language, and more.
Examples of planned giving:
- Charitable Bequests
- Retirement Plans
- Life Insurance
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Will and Estate Planning